Alunos de ensino médio do Colégio Dom Bosco e mentalidade de desenvolvimento local- estudo de caso -




It was verified through this dissertation, in 2004, if the fact that the Middle Level Education of the Dom Bosco School is inserted in the context of ideals and religious principles provided or could provide differentiated influences on the formation of solidary people for the promotion of Local Development of genuinely endogenous nature. This purpose implied in investigative discussions: the first one, of a theoretical nature, was dedicated to the understanding and explanation of the basic foundations of Local Development, focusing mainly on the purpose of this perspective of development and how to trigger it; the second, also of a theoretical nature, refers to the understanding of the importance of religiousness and how it reveals itself in the form of identity in the scope of the Dom Bosco School; the third, in form of field work, approached the students for verification of the above objective; the fourth, also in form of field work, consisted on the evaluation and, at the same time, on the initiative related to Local Development (LD) with the students of the Dom Bosco School (DBS); the fifth inquiry resembles the third one, however it is designated exclusively to the students who are part of religious groups inside the DBS. As a conclusion, personal reflections of the researcher regarding all the undergone inquiry were presented.


planejamento urbano e regional desenvolvimento local religiousness colégio dom bosco. dom bosco school. local development religiosidade

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