Altos dividend yelds como estratÃgia para composiÃÃo de carteiras de investimentos / Yelds high dividends as a strategy to portfolios of investments


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study sought to determine whether the use of the indicator fundamentalist dividend yield as a criterion for yield as a criterion for selection of assets is an effective strategy to achieve that maximization of the return on an investment. For this, we used the technique of formation of portfolios, creating the target portfolio of the research, consisting of stocks of high dividend yield, and also a control portfolio, consisting of low dividend yield stocks, and being both compared to the market portfolio. As a secondary objective, we sought to include in the research a risk analysis study of these portfolios and portfolio and other of performance per unit of risk. It was concluded that there was no statistically significant evidences of assurance that a portfolio consisting of high dividend yield stocks can outperform the market, but evidences were found that this portfolio has less volatility than the market, may be a more defensive investment option in times of unfavorable macroeconomic scenario


ciencias sociais aplicadas dividend yeld estratÃgia de investimento formaÃÃo de carteiras de investimentos dividend yield investment strategies formation of investment portfolios investimentos

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