Alterações clínicas, laboratoriais e eletrocardiográficas em gatos com obstrução uretral / Clinical, laboratorial, and electrocardiographyc abnormalities in cats with urethral obstruction




Urethral obstruction is a frequent complication in cats with feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), considered a common disease in cats. Most cases are self-limiting, but the urethral obstruction causes renal failure and metabolic alterations which needs immediate treatment. Previous reports selected cats that were critically ill or had a experimental induction of the disease. The goal of this study was to describe the clinical signs, laboratory and electrocardiographyc abnormalities in cats with urethral obstruction and to correlate these results. Thirty-two male cats with natural urethral obstruction and without previous therapy were studied. Complete blood count, serum chemistry profile (urea, creatinine, plasma protein, alanine transferase, aspartate transferase, alkaline phosphatase, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, glucose and lactate), venous blood gas, urinalysis, urine culture and electrocardiogram (ECG) were performed. Two groups of 16 cats were composed (animals under and over 36 hours of obstruction). The most frequent abnormalities described were dysuria (100%), anorexia (84,4%), lethargy (71,8%), vocalization (68,7%), hypodipsia (68,7%), and dehydration (71,8%), tachypnea (53,1%) and hypothermia (53,1%) in physical evaluation. The laboratorial abnormalities most frequently observed were hypermagnesemia (100%), metabolic acidosis (89,6%), hyperglicemia (88,9%), azotemia (84,4%) and hyperkalemia (80,6%). Twenty per cent of cats had urinary infections. Abnormalities in ECG, such as atrial standstill with sinoventricular rhythm, were seen in 39,3% of cases, and there were no correlation with hyperkalemia. The analyses of the groups suggest worsening of azotemia, hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia and lethargy with evolution of obstruction. Temperature and heart rate were positively correlated with blood pH, base excess and bicarbonate, and inversely correlated with urea, creatinine, potassium and phosphorus. Lethargy was correlated with temperature, blood pH, base excess and bicarbonate.


falência renal gasometria venosa doença do trato urinário inferior felino eletrocardiograma electrocardiogram lower urinary tract disease renal failure venous blood gas analysis

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