Alteração no uso e cobertura do solo na bacia do médio rio Araguaia, Brasil central / Land use land and cover changes in the middle Araguaia river basin, central Brazil




The central region of the Araguaia river basin encompasses a transition area between the Tropical Rain Forest and the Cerrado in Brazil. Despite of the fact that during the last four decades, this area has undergone an intense deforestation process, the quantification and impact of these changes are still unknown. Thus this study aimed to evaluate the dynamics of changes in landscape structure in the middle Araguaia river basin; and the driving factors of such changes.Chapter 1 of this thesis introduces the scientific contextualization of this research. The other 4 chapters present manuscripts to be submitted for publication. Chapter 2 analyzes the land use and land cover changes in the Cantão State Park region, Tocantins, for a period of 19 years, from 1981 to 2000. Our findings showed that the reduction of native vegetation and consequent increase of agricultural and pasture areas were related to the increase of fragmentation. We observed low conversion of native vegetation inside of the park area. However, these low rates of native vegetation losses may be associated with the geographical location of the reserve within the Araguaias floodplain.Chapter 3 present the results of the land use and land cover mapping of the middle Araguaia region for 1975, 1985, 1996 and 2007. To derive these maps, a hybrid classification method was implemented. The mapping showed an overall accuracy of 85%. The extent of native cover (forest, open cerrado and cerrado stricto) changes over the 32 years totalized a reduction of 26% of these land covers. The results of the effects of these changes in landscape structure and configuration were evaluated in Chapter 4. Our analysis of landscape composition showed that areas of forest and cerrado stricto were the most affected by conversions. Regarding the landscape configuration, there was a considerable reduction in the largest patch index, mainly of forest, which was followed by an increase in the number of small patches, which in turn was related to the increase of edge density, decrease of core areas and increase in the mean patch distance. These results indicate a high degree of fragmentation of remaining native vegetation.Finally, Chapter 5 analyzes the native vegetation cover remnants in 2007. Of the 166,000 km² of the study area, 86,808 km² were remnants of primary vegetation. Then, we performed a logistic regression analysis to identify the influence of distance from roads, distance from cities, slope, land tenure, fertility and the occurrence of flooding in the deforestation process. Significant values (p <0.05) for all variables were obtained, showing that the distance from roads and cities, slope increase, presence of conservation units, indigenous lands, wetlands and areas with low fertility have a positive influence for the presence and maintenance of primary vegetation. The analysis of these processes is very important for better understanding the regional dynamics of land use, and provide supporting information for a more efficient and sustainable regional planning.


uso do solo. cerrado land cover amazônia bacia hidrográfica savanna cobertura do solo temporal series analyses ecologia da paisagem landscape ecology land use. amazon watershed análise de séries temporais

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