Alguns problemas de controle multiobjetivos gorvernados por equações diferenciais parciais




In this work we will investigate basically three control problems subject to partial diferential equations. The first problem to be treated is distributed system governed by a model for solidification of a pure liquid; the second is a distributed system governed Navier - Stokes equations and the third, one is control problem with several local objectives plus a diferent objective associated to a global control. In the first two problems, we will present necessary conditions of local optimality via, the so called, formalism of Dubovitskii and Milyutin; besides, we will introduce some results on the equilirio of Nash and Pareto for the vector problems optimization associated with the problems case multiobjetive. To conclude we will use some results of the theory of parabolic equations and the functional analysis to show the existence of an equilibrio of the type Stackelberg - Nash for the third problem


otimização matematica control theory equações diferenciais parciais partial differential equations teoria do controle mathematical optimization

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