Algumas contribuições da psicanalise ao campo do conhecimento da saude mental no trabalho




These thesis of doctorate is about a study over some theoretical and methodological contributions ftom psychoana1ysis to understand the relatioships between mental health and work. The matter is approched through the discussion over the theoretical and pratical knowledgement demanded ftom occupational physicians about the management of emotional conflicts in groups of workers, psychic disturbances related to work and psychosocial situations. A brief rewiew over the theme of relationships bertween mental health and work was performed, emphasizing the diversity of thinking and investigation methods that this field of interdisciplinary knowledge covers. A historical rewiew of the means of the work was written to put into context its differentes conceptions and behind in the discussion capther to try answer if there is a psychoanalytical mean of the work. Theoretical and methodologial concepts ftom psychoanalysis, mainly ftolÍl Freud and Bion, were presented and discuted and the contributions that the psychoanalitical invetigation can offer to study of relationships between mental health and work, main1y related to group dynamic. In a investigation of psychoanalytical orientation, the emotions and affects experienced by a group of traffic operators of a big city in São Paulo were kept as object of study. The interpretation, overview and discussion of the speechs listened and worked-throuh were performed, emphasizing that the anguish felt by the workers is a result of the psychic conflict among the sexual impulse and the intediction made by the ego mechanisms of defense and by the different psychic agency. Finally, this thesis is conc1uded, with the affirmation that the psychoanalysis has many resources to promote the understanding of the relationships between mental health and work, specifically ofthe function and dynamic ofthe human pshychism


grupos de trabalho grupos sociais medicina do trabalho cultura trabalho - aspectos psicologicos inconsciente saude mental

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