Aldeando sentidos: os Xucuru-Kariri e o serviço de proteção aos índios no agreste alagoano. / Aldehyde directions: Xucuru-Kariri and service protection to Indians in Alagoas harsh.




This dissertation is a study of the process of indigenous village in the Northeast through Indigenous Posts when the indigenous policy was under the remit of the Protection of Indians Office. In this case, the village of Xucuru - Kariri at the Canto Farm, with the installation of the post Irineu dos Santos. It will be used documentation of the indigenous organ and oral files interviews and testimony of the Indians - looking for an indian perspective of the process in question. The story of the Indians of the Northeast was marked by the official silence: there is an institutional vacuum delimited by the extinction of the General Direction of Indians in the decade of 1870s, and the creation of the Office of Protection of Indians in 1910. During this silence some indians developed strategies for survival, among them, the invisibility. In the first years of the twentieth century there was a tactical change in this strategy: the groups started a movement toward the state, seeking official recognition and territorial restitution. The process of village developments is mounted in alliances and negotiations that oscillate on the political position of an apparent pro-Indian position and a real anti-Indian posture. The condition of Indian affirmed by Xucuru - Kariri, under the protection of the Indian Post must be understood in the context of the Indian/State confrontation, result of the exercise of relations that base the Indigenous actions in the local: the field of indigenous actions. The presence of such fields in the Northeast, at the same time, among other aspects, results from a movement of ethnic emergency, open political space for the Indians continue their vindicational movements. And in this way, the search for village developments is a process, a construction.


alagoas alagoas protection service índios historia indians serviço de proteção

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