Ajofe e alcoometria : poderão viver juntos? : as escolas diante das mudanças socioculturais ligadas a produção de cachaça artesanal na microrregião de Abaira-BA / Ajofe and alcoholmetry : will they be able to live together? : the school facing the sociocultural changes in relation to the production of hand-made cachaça in the microregion of Abaira-Bahia




The attempt to associate the technological advances to the process of production of hand-made cachaça in the microregion of Abaíra - BA, involves dilemmas, since the obstacles to the changes go beyond the cognitive dispositions situated in the level of the subjectivity, comprehending the practical injunctions of the environmental, social, economical and cultural constraints. In this work, which is based on non-essencially cultural theoretical conceptions, we try to understand how local schools can contribute to lessen the social tensions and to create a critical position of the students, facing the local strategies of identity, which were built around the production of cachaça. Focusing on the necessity of reappreciation of the rural areas, we directed the educative actions in a socioantropological study which contributed to legitimate our purpose of achieving the aim of making the school more sensible, in order to link their curricular activities to the social activities developed in the area where they are situated, with the changes in the ways of producing in the countrylife, causing expectations and transformations. Through this research, we tried to show teachers that when the school takes as reference the cultural experience of the students, joining it by articulation with the technical-scientific instruction, and the social relations which are underlying it, the school can contribute to give meaning to the abstract concepts and to produce more complex operations by the students. It helps them to overcome the concept that the formal thought is a privilege of the elites, leaving to the popular culture the practical sense. The experience of learning situations based on cultural activities allowed teachers and students to notice that, the apparent routine of producing cachaça imposes cognitive challenges, and such resolutions require sistematic learning, which only the school, as a favoured educative environment, can provide. Using the concept of circularity among the cultural practices and the educational field, we found out the possibility of articulation of the peculiar cognitive models of our daily lives to a rational technical-scientific approach in many local experiences among the multiple techniques adopted to check if the cachaça is strong, in special the test of the ajofe, a method that has a profound historical and cultural meaning, and the alcoholmetry, which involves technical-scientific application required by the new social configurations.


school learning cotidiano aprendizagem escolar cultural changes scientific knowledge knowledge daily conhecimento cientifico saber saberes escolares school knowledge mudança social

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