Aerobic microbial flora of intertrigenous skin.


The incidence and density of intertrigenous microflora were determined in subjects using nonmedicated soap. The axilla, groin, toe web, and finger web were examined. The incidence of gram-negative rods was 17% for the axilla, 13% for the groin, 10% for the toe web, and 9% for the finger web. Klebsiella, Proteus, and Enterobacter were the predominant organisms, in that order. The highest incidence of Staphylococcus aureus was in the groin (12%) and toe web (11%). Lipophilic diphtheroids were the most prevalent bacteria in the groin (1.1 X 10(6)/cm2) and toe web (1.2 X 10(6)/cm2). Nonlipophilic diphtheroids were the predominant flora in the axilla (1.3 X 10(7)/cm. Micrococci had the highest counts in the toe web (7.6 X 10(5)/cm2). The incidence of coagulase-negative staphylococci was highest in the finger web, but the major flora were those of micrococci.

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