ADVICE: Automated Detection and Validation of Interaction by Co-Evolution


Oxford University Press


ADVICE (Automated Detection and Validation of Interaction by Co-Evolution) is a web tool for predicting and validating protein-protein interactions using the observed co-evolution between interacting proteins. Interacting proteins are known to share similar evolutionary histories since they undergo coordinated evolutionary changes to preserve interactions and functionalities. The web tool automates a commonly adopted methodology to quantify the similarities in proteins' evolutionary histories for postulating potential protein–protein interactions. ADVICE can also be used to validate experimental data against spurious protein interactions by identifying those that have few similarities in their evolutionary histories. The web tool accepts a list of protein sequences or sequence pairs as input and retrieves orthologous sequences to compute the similarities in the proteins' evolutionary histories. To facilitate hypothesis generation, detected co-evolved proteins can be visualized as a network at the website. ADVICE is available at

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