Adesão do trabalhador hipertenso ao tratamento : uma tecnologia educativa embasada no modelo de crença em saúde




Arterial Systemic Hypertension (ASH) is considered one of the major Brazilian public health problems, due to its prevalence and frequent late detection. It is a multicausal and multifactorial disease, upon which the environment exerts direct influence in its genesis. It is related to inadequate lifestyle and to personal factors such as sex, age, race and heredity; and changeable risk factors such as sedentary living, stress, smoking habits, obesity and improper alimentation (SANTOS, 2004). ASH shows specific features of the chronicity process, specially long natural history, multiple associated factors, long asymptomatic history, slow, permanent and prolonged clinical evolution, with possible evolutive complications (PIERIN, 2001).There are many barriers to the treatment, such as perseverance in not changing the inappropriate lifestyle, unsuitable use of medication, lack of comprehension of the problem, high cost of visitation, procedures and medicaments, side effects of therapy, long period for seeing the doctor and unsuitable appointment hour (OIGMAN, 2001). The present works relies upon the reality seen at the General Hospital Dr. Waldemar Alcântara and in the academic knowledge of labor diseases that cause high work absence and was intended to identify socio-demographic and sanitary data of the workers affected by Arterial Systemic Hypertension (ASH) in that institution and to trace their understanding about the disease and how they better respond to the proposed treatment. For that purpose was performed an monitoring to a group and a review of the categories by the Health Belief Model. The results gave birth to two articles: the first, Hypertensive Worker analysis of the adherence to treatment based on Health Education describes who hypertensive workers are, their personal responses and behavior facing the disease, and also the difficulty and suggestions made for effective treatment. The second article is entitled Adherence to treatment of the Hypertensive Worker a health educative technology based on the Health Belief Model and brings the categories per se, identified in the control group after the implementation of educative lectures, looking for their perspective about the risks and severity of their disease, the benefits and barriers to adhere to the treatment and the strategies in lifestyle changing and decision making. The educative technology used revealed relevant and processing, providing improved welfare and behavior changes in the risk factors of the hypertensive workers order to adopt Preventive measures and the control of hypertension (ASH).


saude coletiva doenÇas ocupacionais - dissertaÇÕes hipertensÃo arterial - dissertaÇÕes educaÇÃo em saÚde - dissertaÇÕes

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