Adaptações do jornalismo em tempo de novas tecnologias




This research endeavoured to comprehend journalism in light of arising new technologies for producing information and newscasting. To that purpose we sought newspaper reports and articles concerning this subject along the two year span of this study, as well as academic papers and personal opinions. We ascertained that, throughout its history, journalism has been a process of constant adaptation in several media (press, radio, TV). The advent of the Internet and new thechnical supports for transmitting information loomed tension over traditional media, which had to adopt different strategies for financing their operations, producing content and relating to the public. In this context, the ways how each medium was used by the news companies brought forth speculation regarding the characteristics of journalism: whether it becomes more analytical, objective, interprectative or sensationalist. These expectations about what journalism should be constantly interfere in what it actually is. The viewpoint defended in this work is that this dialetic relation between what journalism is and what it should be explains and constitutes the journalistic phenomenon in its actual form.


journalism tecnologias da comunicação atualidade internet meios de comunicação jornalismo internet comunicacao actuality communication technologies communication media

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