AD* :algoritmo de roteamento em redes de sensores baseado em inteligência artificial distribuída




The technological innovations introduced by the progress in the micro-electronics systems and the wireless communications provided the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), a wide variety of commercial and military applications. Those WSN possess of dozens to thousands of sensor-node subjects the fail with connection wireless and limited resources (e.g. energy, processing and band). They are usually deposited in places of difficult access, being therefore necessary to use algorithms that make possible the discovery of routes, still managing the limited available resources. Besides, it is necessary to guarantee a long time of life for net. In WSN the route is established by the interaction among the sensor ones, not possessing a centralized control. That motivated us to propose an algorithm based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence called AD*, tends as objective establishes the best path (route) of a origin sensor to a destiny one going by middlemen sensor. The strategy considers the distance between each sensor one and the consumption of energy. AD* was compared with other known algorithms of the literature, verifying excellent results to balance the consumption of energy in the net during the establishment of routes.


ciencia da computacao routers (computer networks) inteligência artificial detectores informática - dissertações artificial intelligence roteadores (redes de computação) detectors

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