Acoplamento dos fantomas tomogrÃficos FAX06 e MAX06 ao cÃdigo Monte Carlo GEANT4




The MAX06 and the FAX06 phantoms have been developed in recent years at the Department of Nuclear Energy of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. They are the first two adult tomographic or voxel phantoms which have body heights, body weights as well as organ and tissues masses based on the anatomical reference data given by the International Commission on Radiological Protection in its Report No.89. The two voxel phantoms have been connected to the EGSnrc Monte Carlo (MC) code, in order to calculate organ and tissue equivalent doses from exposures to internal and external photon and electron radiation. To allow for the application of other types of radiation, this study has the objective to introduce the FAX06 and the MAX06 phantoms into the GEANT4 code, a Monte Carlo code which, besides photons and electrons, can transport all sorts of other particles, like neutrons, protons, ions, etc., through arbitrary media, and to calculate equivalent doses to radiosensitive organs and tissues for external exposure to photons. Connecting the voxel phantoms to GEANT4 and successfully running the MC code became possible by two ways: Firstly, after compressing the voxel volume by 97% by using a special method developed during this study and secondly, by using the parameterization class âG4PVParameterisationâ of the GEANT4 code system and by using the new parameterization class âG4VPNestedParameterisationâ to connect all voxels. External exposures to photons were simulated after having developed algorithms for unidirectional and rotational parallel radiation incidence and for isotropic incidence. Equivalent doses to organs and tissues as well as effective dose from external photon exposures have been calculated for the two phantoms with the GEANT4 and with the EGSnrc MC codes. Comparison of the results shows good agreement within the margins of the combined statistical errors, which proved the successful integration of the phantoms into the GEANT MC code


egsnrc. external photon engenharia nuclear fÃtons externos voxel phantoms dose equivalente geant4 geant4 fantomas tomogrÃficos egsnrc. equivalent dose

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