Acidose metabÃlica e estado nutricional depacientes renais crÃnicos submetidos à hemodiÃlise




The chronic renal failure (CRF) establishes a serious health problem all over the world, with an incident increase and rising morbimortality. With the loss of renal mass, a progressive reduction occurs in the excretion of acids and a consequent development of metabolic acidosis (MA), especially in stages more advanced of the CRF. A dialysis therapy should be sufficient to compensate the generation of acids, so as, a significant number of patients remain acidotic. Evidence in literature has shown that MA is an important factor in the etiology of malnutrition in patients with CRF by stimulating the protein catabolism, by mechanisms that involves in the protein degradation and oxidation of amino acids. Considering that the MA results to a negative consequence to the patients with CRF, this study points out to determine a prevalence and the factors implicated to MA in patients submitted to haemodialysis, besides verifying the correct effect of the blood disorder in the nutritional and biochemical parameters, becoming the presented results in the form of a scientific divulgement report. According to the linear regression analysis, the Body Mass Index (BMI) was the only determinant factor of MA (r2=0,51, p<0.05), with a negative correlation (r=-0.413, p=0.023). After the correction of MA, serum bicarbonate and pH increased, respectively, from 18.20 Â 1.64 to 22.00 Â 1.70 (p<0.001) and 7.32 Â 0.45 to 7.37 Â 0.41 (p<0.001). Τhere was improvement in Global Subjective Assessment-GSA (21.7 Â 6.4 versus 16.8 Â 6.6, p<0.001) and increased calorie intake (1892.61 Â 454.30 versus 2110.30 Â 869.24, p<0.05). Our results demonstrate that maintaining serum bicarbonate level >22 mMol/L should be a goal in dealing with chronic renal patients undergoing dialysis, with a view to trying to minimize the noxious effects on their nutritional status


metabolic acidosis acidose metabÃlica estado nutricional nutricao nutritional status insuficiÃncia renal crÃnica chronic renal insuficiency

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