Acidentes com transporte rodoviario de produtos perigosos : analise e aplicação de modelo conceitual georreferenciado para avaliação de risco ambiental no minicipio de Campinas- SP / Highway transportation of hazardous materials accidents : characteristics and use of a conceptual model for analyzing environmental risk at Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil




Highway accidents involving a vehicle transporting hazardous goods may cause extensive material, human and mainly environmental damage. Most of the areas crossed by highways are environmentally vulnerable due to the presence of creeks and rivers, different land use and possibility of the ground water being reached by the transported products. The county of Campinas, in the São Paulo State, Brazil is characterized by its large chemical industry area, where the Paulínia Refinery (REPLAN) is situated, showing an intense traffic of vehicles transporting hazardous materials (HAZMAT) through the highways. This situation may induce, in case of an accident, severe damage to population and the environment. Therefore the analysis of the accidents .involving HAZMAT was done aiming to identify their frequency according to the kind and class of the product, location and consequence of the accident. Also a conceptual mode was used for analyzing the environmental risk involved in transportation of HAZMAT at Campinas, allowing to show the most critical highway stretches. The accidents with vehicle transporting HAZMAT were analyzed for the main highways crossing Campinas during the period: 1997 to 2004. The highway SP-065 showed the highest number of accidents followed by the SP-348 and SP-330. The more frequent kind of HAZMAT involved in the accidents were: motor fuel, including gasoline, alcohol and liquid gas. The HAZMA T class of inflammable liquids showed the highest frequency in the accidents. The conceptual model used for analyzing environmental risk takes into account the probability of occurrence of a HAZMAT transportation accident and the population and environment gravity of damage. Considering the presence of creeks and/or rivers, 1800 use and the possibility of the HAZMA T reach the ground water by soil permeability several highway stretches were identified as being of very high risk: SP-065, from Km 126 to 134; SP-065, from Km 138 to 146 and SP-348 and SP-348, from Km 76 to 87. The mathematical model was implemented in a geographical information system allowing to produce environmental risk maps of HAZMAT vehicle transportation accidents showing the most dangerous areas aiming to help the actions involved in damage mitigation and route comparison of dangerous goods highway transportation


environmental vulnerability sistema de informação geografica geographical information systems vulnerabilidade ambiental risk risco - aspectos ambientais

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