Acesso a medicamentos: experiência da população de baixa renda na Região do Butantã, São Paulo, 2009 / Access to medicines: the experience of the population low-income families in the region of Butantan, City of St. Paul, 2009


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Introduction: Prescription drugs are indispensable to medical treatment for both health professionals and the general population. Objective: the goals of this study were to include in public health research the experience of the poor population who needs prescription drugs; to describe practical difficulties of the poor population to obtain prescription drugs from public health units; to report the main actions taken by this population when it is not possible to obtain free drugs in public health units; to evaluate the comprehension of the financial value of these drugs within this demographic segment of the population; to identify the strategies to obtain prescription drugs of medium and high cost. Method: The focal group qualitative method was selected for this research, with three groups comprising 31 subjects, studied in the period from December 2008 to March 2009. Subjects had to be residents of Butantã District, São Paulo-SP; besides being over 40 years old, in use of at least one prescription drug; to have a monthly income of up to three minimum salaries; to be a regular user of the public health system and units. All subjects lived in slums and were under treatment with medium-high cost drugs of continuous use. Two professionals conducted discussions on the five questions concerning the objectives. The collective subject method (CSM) was used for the analysis, which was performed with the Qualiquantisoft® computer program. Results: the five questions generated 23 answers, which were characterized as follows: necessity of the drug; difficulty to obtain the drug from public health units; deficiency in the advertisement programs and lack of information on free distribution programs; reliance on other people to obtain the drugs; necessity to reach many public health units to obtain the drugs; necessity to buy the drug. Drugs with prices up to R$ 50,00 were considered expensive. High cost drugs are purchased with some difficulty, such as slot time and dismissing flaws. Conclusion: Despite the advances in public health policies, the access to prescription drugs was biased, revealing a demand for a set of actions to prioritize storage and regular maintenance of these drugs, well prepared professionals to speed up and humanize the advising and assistance strategies in public health units, in order to promote a better distribution of these drugs and the effective achievement of therapeutic success for this population in a regular and systematic way.


acesso a medicamentos drugs access focal group grupo focal high cost drugs medicamentos de alto custo

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