Ação coletiva de desapropriação para fins de reforma agrária instrumento concretizador dos direitos sociais do trabalhador rural.




This dissertation investigates a kind of class action aimed at the judicial review of public policies related to the realization of social rights for rural workers. It is proposed that an action with the specific aim of promoting the expropriation for agrarian reform by analyzing the sociological reasons, political and economic authorizing the filing and the legal aspects relating to the categorization of rights protected in court. Try to identify the agricultural workers as a category of its own with specific demands, serving the lawsuit as a tool for social inclusion and democratic group as such. It examines also the legitimate assets to the filing and the fundamentals that legitimize the use of action on screen as accomplishing the fundamental right to housing and the fundamental right to work.


ação coletiva de desapropriação para fins de reforma agrária direito constitucional e processual civil direito implementation of fundamental rights of rural workers constitutional law and civil procedure concretização de direitos fundamentais do trabalhador rural expropriation of collective action for land reform

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