AbundÃncia sazonal e biologia de aves costeiras na coroa do aviÃo, Pernambuco, Brasil




The Coroa do AviÃo is an islet (c. 2ha during high tide, range of 2,4m) located within the Canal de Santa Cruz estuarine complex, northern coastal Pernambuco. This islet constitutes wintering and stopover area for several migratory birds and harbours some resident taxa. In this study monthly censuses were carried out (three days consecutively; c. 144 field hours) between October 2002 and September 2004. A total of 31 taxa were recorded, 22 of which were regarded as coastal-birds (i.e. birds that use coastal habitats to obtain their food). Of this group, 17 were boreal migrants (most Charadriidae and Scolopacidae). Eleven birds (five coastal and six of open areas) were new to the study site. Stercorarius pomarinus was recorded for the first time in north-east Brazil, and Thalasseus sandvicensis acuflavidus (after 59 years), Pandion haliaetus carolinensis and Anas bahamensis bahamensis were recorded for the second time in Pernambuco. The shorebirdsâ highest abundance (c. 7,000) occurred in December. The numbers of Charadrius semipalmatus (max. 4,020; December), Calidris pusilla (max. 2,570; December) and Calidris alba (max. 1,190; November) were significantly higher than those observed during previous studies. A hypotheses to explain this increase (while world-wide shorebirds populations are declining) is that over-exploitation in adjacent areas (e.g. uncontrolled tourism) may restrict the availability of suitable habitats, resulting in a displacement of large flocks to the study site


avifauna costeira limÃcolas seasonal abundance pernambuco abundÃncia sazonal brazil shorebirds pernambuco costal birds zoologia

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