Abordagem da transmissão de HIV/AIDS em profissionais do sexo em Luanda-Angola-Africa : um desafio chamado Angola




The Human Immunodeficiency Vírus (HIV) continues to be disseminated all over the world striking communities that were once not vulnerable to the epidemy. Moreover, its virulence is increasing in areas in which SIDA is currently the main death cause in adults (amog 15 and 49 years old). An average of 40 million people around the world is infected by the HIV virus, most of who live in countries in development. At least 86% of these people live in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the Republic of Angola is located. The disease is responsible for the death of over 25 million men, women and children all over the world. This paper sets out to state the transmission of HIV/SIDA among sex professionals in Luanda, in order to provide the Health Ministry of Angola, authorities and civil population, with further information to help the planning, execution and evaluation of public politics concerning the health care in the country. Analysis based on a research among 180 sex professionals, who live in Luanda (the capital of Angola), was done. An oral survey, along with an interview divided into three phases, was accomplished. Visits to public health centers were also necessary, to identify what types of technical model were used. After the field work analysis, data from several Ministries from Angola were studied. Bibliography about HIV/SIDA and other materials that board excellence in health care were as well precious sources. As result of the research, the behavior of the sex professionals towars the disease, has indicated some manners to introduce efficient public politics concerning to HIV/SIDA matters. Finally, the job proposes preventive measures recommendations and some politics to be adopted, depending on the strategy and the real situation, all of which have contributed to the stagnation or the overpowering transmission of HIV/SIDA throughout the country


doenças sexualmente transmissiveis - prevenção politicas publicas guerra civil

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