A violência nos contos e crônicas da segunda metade do século XX




This Thesis analises the short stories and chronicles in the second half of the 20th century in which there is the presence of the violence. First, it was aimed to put into effect historiographical and theoretical considerations about the nature of the violence. The texts used in this analysis do not refer to literature properly said. For this aim, they were considered aspects from the Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, Anthropology and Sociology. It was made an analysis about the violence in the Universal Literature, especially in the Holy Bible, Homer?s, Dante Alighieri?s, Machado de Assis?s and Graciliano Ramos?s works. They were studied theories of suicide, regarded in this analysis as self-violence, as it can be seen as an example in the Western Literature The Sorrows of Young Werther, by Goethe. Concluding this first stage, it was made a study of cultural conceptions of the Post-Modernism, aiming to identify their chains with the theme violence in the Contemporary Literature. In a second moment it was analyzed the presence of violence in the second half of the 20th century. Due that, they were chosen short stories of four important authors of the Contemporary Brazilian Literature: in Rubem Fonseca?s works it was concluded that, although the author presents the conflict among social strata, the violence is shown as a satisfaction of an inner instinct. In Dalton Trevisan?s the violence is presented in the emotional relationships. In Luiz Vilela?s stories there are situations in which the characters prefer to annihilate themselves, instead of being aggressive with another ones; and in Márcia Denser?s works it is perceived that the violence is linked to the independent woman condition in search of her sexual pleasure rights. In a third moment, it was analyzed the chronicles in the second half of the 20th century, with the selection of four authors as well: in Rubem Braga?s chronicles it can be found a way of protecting the Humanist values as solidarity and tolerance acting as antidotes to the reduction of violent situations in society. In Carlos Drummond de Andrade?s works, the violence presented in a holdup becomes a reason to create humor, conducting the reader to the reflection about the human ability of facing traumatizing situations. In Affonso Romano de Sant?Anna?s chronicles it is emphasized the institutional organizations imperfection as the reason of the social violence in large urban centers. Finally, in Martha Medeiros chronicles the violence is present in the author?s voice, who usually refers to the women in a biased opinion. It is concluded that in short stories the violence is presented in a rough and shocking manner, while it is smoother and humorous in the chronicles. Both genders, in different ways, present the contemporary social and cultural reality and the contemporary person?s anguishes.


contos brasileiros - história e crítica crônicas brasileiras - história e crítica brazilian stories - history and criticism brazilian cronics - history and criticism

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