A velhice ao olhar na equipe do programa saúde da família em Diamantina/MG




ABSTRACT This study evaluated the assistance provided to older aged people by health teams of the Family Health Program (PSF), as well as the perceptions of advanced age in a district of Diamantina/MG. This was an evaluative, sectional type qualitative study which took place in 2004, with the participation of 39 health professionals (26 community health agents, 4 nurses aides, 5 registered nurses and 4 physicians). According resolution 196/96 of the National Council of Health, all participants gave their consent before participation during the study. Thirty-three (84,6%) were women and 6 (15,4%), male with a mean age of 30,2 years. Most of the professionals have worked more than 3 years at PSF. When interviewed, 34 (87,2%) were not familiar with the politics of the National Health of Older Aged People (PNSI). In relation to old age, the professionals perceived conflicting behavior (positive when time spent discussing past health with subject; negative when subject felt he/she had lost autonomy and independence), and described that a large part of the demand and evaluations were under isolated conditions in which these subjects lived. The assistance given to the older aged subjects included the essential and the basics for preventing accidents and infection in advanced aged people. There was a consensus by the health team that regularly held exercise days for old age subjects, lead by PSF, served to improve the subjects internal and external state of feeling of many who participated in the evaluation. It is our understanding that there is a shortcoming of application of gerontologic knowledge, and this lack of knowledge would not be lacking if the PNSI was effectively incorporated into the Single Health System (SUS).


políticas públicas. public policiers. serviços de saúde para idosos family health program velhice programa saúde da família envelhecimento saúde do idoso aged ciencias sociais aplicadas política pública aging health

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