A utilização de celebridades como estímulo discriminativo, sinalizando reforço informativo, no comportamento de compra de consumidores da construção civil, em Goiânia


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Major advertisement campaigns use people endorsement to introduce a product. Among these people, its common the celebrities endorsement. The present work tried to investigate the influence of a celebrity on the building consumer evaluation of an ad catalog. This catalog contained or a celebrity, or a non-public person. It was tried to identify which aspects are most influenced by celebrity insertion, since this resource has been used in advertisements in Goiania. We made a hypothesis that this process could be benefited by behavioral science principles, what should potentiate those resources. Ninety eight consumers looking for property in the last years responded to questions about the catalog, including the person, to the venture itself, and to building company. The participants whose received the catalog with the celebrity (CC) evaluated the catalog as cheaper, the venture as more luxurious, and the builder as more expensive as well confident in comparison to the group without celebrity (SC). Besides this, the presence of the celebrity increased the attention to the person, but reduced the attention to others catalog aspects. These data suggest careful in utilize the celebrity endorsement, from the behavior analysis perspective.


celebridades construção civil mercado imobiliário comportamento do consumidor publicidade psicologia celebrity building venture consumer behavior advertising

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