A utilização da controladoria para o gerenciamento de pequena empresa do setor metal-mecânico do Médio Vale do Itajaí




The small companies more and more try to adapt and to react to the constant environmental changes through the optimization of the performance through managerial control, seeking its permanence in the market. They need to restructure its administration, modifying and altering its internal structures, so much information as technological, seeking to reach its objectives and goals. This dissertation objectifies to elaborate a proposal of controller for a small size company of the metal-mechanic sector placed in the Médio Vale do Itajaí-SC, that assures the due support in the administration process. At this perspective, this work presents a proposal of controller, based on information generated with electronics sheets, that assures the due support to the process of administration of a small company from the metal-mechanic sector. It is conclude that Controller, who primordial function is manager the information systems of control and evaluation of the managerial acting, as well help managers on their decisions, it is covered of importance inside of the organization context. The study interferes in the line of research Control of Administration of the Program of Masters degree in Accounting Sciences of the Universidade Regional de Blumenau


small company ciencias contabeis business management controladoria pequena empresa gestão empresarial controllership

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