A TV digital e o setor industrial tecnológico brasileiro / The digital


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study talks about the role of industry, focusing on television manufacturers, and their participation in the development and deployment of Digital TV in Brazil, as the first players in this scenario to point north to the viability of a business model for Digital Television (DTV) and Interactive Digital television (TVDI): the Connected TV and Smart TV. Makes a historical survey of the theme from the FHC government, through the Government until the current Lula government Dilma. The text presents technical challenges, such political and economic implementation. Identifies the successes and mistakes of the actors involved in this scenario, mounted to the development of digital TV in Brazil. The text presents technical challenges, such political and economic implementation. Intends to identify the successes and mistakes of the actors involved in this scenario, mounted to the development of digital TV in Brazil. Emphasizes the interests, not always harmonious, all involved: the capital with a focus on profit, government, with its political agreements, often contrasting the performance of their role in representing the interests of the majority of the population; and the dynamics of scientific-technological industry, which needs fertile soil, suitable, and continuing to develop.(AU)


tv digital setor industrial tecnológico fabricantes de televisores tv conectada tv digital interativa comunicacao digital tv technological industrial sector manufacturers of televisions connected tv interactive digital tv

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