A tradição romântica na construção das imagens na poesia de Cecília Meireles. / The romantic tradition in the construction of images in the poetry of Cecilia Meireles.




The present dissertation has as an objective to study the poems of Cecilia Meireles (1901-1964) from the hypothesis that the author is an inheritor of the Romanticism tradition. A suitable argumentation is the fact that Cecilia Meireles distanced from the modernist revolutionary faction of that period, preferring the traditional romantic sources as motivation to her poetry. Our object of study is the poetic work Viagem, a key book in Meireles works, prized in 1938 by the Academia Brasileira de Letras and published in Lisbon at 1939. Viagem reveals her subjective, reflexive, meditative and nostalgic singing that is easily encountered in the nineteenth century. The preference to the traditional patterns creates the musicality, formal harmony and balanced organization in the compositions and makes clear the stylistic preoccupation that opens the path to the thematic richness of Meireles lyrics. The poetic images come from the Romanticism repertory: night, stars, wind, flower, tempest, and others linked to the instantaneous, to the fleeting, to the illusory and to the dream, which compound the universe of romantic poetry themes. In Brazilian Modernism, Cecilia Meireles adheres to the conservative faction, connected to the magazine Festa, that promoted the literary renovation but do not abandoned the cultural heritage. The metrification resources and the free decadentist verse were used apart from the Modernism vanguard of the 1922 Modern Art Week. In this way, it is possible to understand Cecilia Meireles poetry profile, between Modernism and Romantic heritage, dealing with the dilemmas of the modern man and working with the traditional versification, by creating a relevant work to the national literature, being considered one of the most important personality of the Brazilian literature canon.


cecília meireles modernismo literatura brasileira romanticism lírica romântica cecília meireles romantismo modernism romantic lyrics linguistica brazilian literature

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