A tipologia dos edifícios de apartamentos e sua relação com o tecido urbano da cidade: um estudo de suas transformações nos últimos 40 anos / The typology of housing buildings and their relationship with the urban fabric of the city a case study of their transformations in the last forty years.




This dissertation analyzes the main factors that influenced the architectural typology of housing development projects built by real estate development corporations in the city of São Paulo in the last forty years. It also analyzes how the real estate sectors production has changed the citys pre-existent urban fabric with development projects that alter the architectural typology and the land use of the public space surrounding the new buildings, while at the same time keeping unchanged the road system and the remaining city spaces in other words, the consequences of the new use of the old grid.


configuração produtiva tipologia arquitetônica architectural typology tecidos urbanos productive configuration. urban fabric

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