A tendencia antissocial em meninas: aspectos do funcionamento psíquico e do tratamento em instituição de saúde mental / Anti-social tendency in girls: aspects of psychic functioning and treatment in a mental health service


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Specialized literature has favored studies on anti-social tendency in boys, due to its higher frequency and consequent visibility. This research was carried out as per present trends that analyze anti-social manifestations in females, specially lie, steal and escape, with the purpose of understanding sex differences and verifying the adequacy of multidisciplinary therapies in a mental health service Caps Infantil - specialized in child and adolescent issues. The study was performed according to the clinical-qualitative method, developed by Turato (2010) and psychoanalytic theoretical formulations, specially Donald Winnicotts contributions (1956), who considers the anti-social tendency as a process of searching the holding environment and a sign of hope of rediscovering good experiences that have been lost. Therapy sessions of two adolescents that presented anti-social tendency were described and this material provided two different approaches for the analysis of the results: psychic functioning and treatment. Regarding psychic functioning, marked feelings of rejection and maternal abandonment might probably have impaired the female self-identification process, tanking into consideration the revival of the Oedipus complex and typical psychic experiences in adolescents. Observed negligence and domestic violence are factors linked to anti-social tendency, similarly to the research findings in males. The treatment of anti-social tendency in the mental health service consisted of using mainly management and placement techniques, which were considered essential for the favourable results achieved in these cases. Manifestations of anti-social tendency were interpreted as having different meanings, be it from the adolescents point of views or from the psychoanalytical contributions. They also allowed the understanding aspects of transference and countertransference.


adolescent psychoanalysis delinquencia juvenil feminilidade femininity juvenile delinquency mental health services psicanálise do adolescente serviços de saúde mental

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