A teleaula na EAD da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo: Uma leitura da intersubjetividade presente nesta produção / The video class in the Distance Education Curriculum: an analysis of the intersubjectivity present in this process




The proposal of the Continuing Education Program of the Methodist University of São Paulo in the television format raises a discussion of two important points. Firstly, to the issue of providing adequate training of the faculty that performs this task. Secondly, to the fact that the professor is no longer alone in the production of the educational process, but is part of a greater setting which is composed by a team of professionals responsible for the technical conduction and television operationalization of the classes. The present work seeks to analyze these intersubjective relations from a multi-referential perspective in an attempt to comprehend the importance of these relations in the pedagogical process of constructing televised classes. In order to reach the ultimate goal of this investigation, the first chapter will describe the methods and approaches utilized in the examination. The second chapter will provide a theoretical panorama that accompanies the binomial relationship between Education and Communication, so that a discussion of the impact and changes made to the Educational field as a result of the influence of the information and communicational technologies is raised. The third chapter is constituted of a description of the development of implementation of the Continuing Education program of the Methodist University of Sao Paulo and of the television formulation of the classes, as well as the implications of the given format in the practice of the faculty. The fourth chapter presents the occurrences registered in the research journal, as the faculty training and respective analysis based on the multireferential approach took place, followed by the conclusion and final considerations.(AU)


educação capacitação docente teleaulas comunicação televisiva educacao

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