A sustentabilidade da vida cotidiana: um estudo das redes sociais de usuários de serviço de saúde mental no município de Santo André / The sustainability of quotidian life: a study of social networks of users of a mental health service in Santo André City




Studies realized in the theoretical field of social network show that relations have a significant impact over people lives. When associated to people with mental disorders, networks act as a important protection factor and resources and support given. However, studies point that people with psychiatric suffering have impoverished social networks and few significant relations. The outburst of a mental disorder and the breakages caused by institutionalization processes contribute to the dynamics of reduction of quantity and quality of contacts, pushing the person to a situation of relational vulnerability. In this paper, it was tried to characterize the social networks of 25 users of NAPS II, in Santo André, and to discuss the place of the service on strengthening of social relations and on facing up to relational vulnerability. The research used methods from qualitative investigation, oriented by ethnographic posture: bibliographical research, semi-structured interviews, participant observation and field diary. It had been heard 25 users in intensive treatment program and the participant observation process had been taken through 2006. The results showed that the studied group has impoverished social networks, few people have some significant relation and the access to emotional and material resources is scarce. They also showed that the projects of assistance developed by the service have been incapable to intervene in the relational field of assisted people lives and to face the problems caused by the social vulnerability. On this way, we conclude that social networks might be an important target of interventions promoted by substitutive services and that the investigation about the sociability processes can contribute to the elaboration of new strategies able to turn the care of population with mental disorders more complex. Besides that, social networks offer elements to the construction of new services and public policies on mental health field


apoio social vulnerability transtornos mentais/reabilitação community mental health services serviços comunitários de saúde mental terapia ocupacional vulnerabilidade mental disorders/rehabilitation social support occupational therapy mental health saúde mental

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