A software infrastructure to support component based software architecture construction / Uma infra-estrutura de software para apoiar a construção de arquiteturas de software baseadas em componentes




Component-based development (CBD) and architecture-centric development are two complementary approaches for developing software systems. CBD is based on the construction of systems using the integration of reusable software components. Software architecture centric development complements the CBD paradigm because it is responsible for the component integration, achieving the final system s desired quality requirements, such as dependability and distribution. However, there is a lack of consensus among the concepts, terms, and definitions used in the software architecture and CBD paradigms, hindering the integration of techniques and tools. Existing software architecture environments and tools do not support all the phases involved in CBD process, normally do not generate architecture implementations and do not implement the main CBD concepts, e.g. specification of provided and required interfaces. CBD tools and environments, in general, use UML modeling and do not cover the main software architecture concepts, e.g. architectural styles and architectural connectors. In this work, we propose a software infrastructure to construct component-based software architectures. It has been built as a set of tools that extend the Eclipse integrated development environment. These tools were constructed based on an integrated conceptual metamodel for software architectures and CBD. This metamodel defines and relates the main concepts of the two paradigms. The infrastructure is included in the Bellatix environment, an integrated development environment that supports CBD with emphasis on software architecture. The tools support the construction of component-based software architectures since the specification phase, through the design, until its materialization in code. The component model used is COSMOS, a component implementation model that materializes the elements of a software architecture using the concepts available in object-oriented programming languages. In Bellatix environment, the adopted programming language is Java


software development software reusability software engineering software validation software - desenvolvimento engenharia de software software - reutilização software - validação

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