A sociedade do desencontro : uma abordagem do processo pedagogico-educaciona




The present work intends to analyse the contemporaneous technological society. In the face of that, we will emphasize to he cultural aspect, by our needs of the present moment, to situate the influence that the technological developments have caused to the contemporary man and, conseqüently, to “the cream of society” what is the education; the emphatic changes of behavion, specialy concerning to the cultural and social aspects. Our work is composed for three chapters. In the first, we situate the anthropological disaster provoked by the industrial development, where the human being has been set apart and, in his place, is given enphasis in the profit like a higher and final instance. In the second chapter, we focalized on analysis of the impacts suffered by the notions of time and space, and as this transformation has been of hard assimilation, in our environment, for the real space inexists in face of virtual. At last, in the third chapter, we approached the influence of the means of social communication, specially on television that became a disloya competitor of the school, but if it is well reoriented may bring a serious educative contribution on the so dreamed improvement of the quality of the teaching-learning process.


filosofia televisão educação tecnologia informatica

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