A sistematização do plano de cuidados : aplicação num hospital privado de Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Nursing care is the main activity in a hospital organization. The planning of the nursing procedures rationalizes the resources and promotes operational efficiency. Bearing this is mind, this paper proposes a health care plan system which focuses on the patient and not on the task, in a private hospital of Porto Alegre. The systematization process involves, in a general way, the study of the organization and in a special way the nursing staff and the information technologies team. This involvement has become effective in all stages of the research and has provided the realization of the mission of the organization, in accordance with the goal of supplying the best medicai care. The development of the work has followed the action-research method, divided in 5 phases defined as: (1) exploratory, beginning from field observations and from multidisciplinary group discussions, to characterize the problem; (2) and (3) procedure planning and action, with a multidisciplinary group and a permanent group, working with a theoretical base reference towards the construction of a prototype which took into consideration the proposed solution in the first phase: (4) evaluation, with the application of the prototype in a pilot unit, facilitating the evaluation based on the utility of the developed system; (5) new action, the results found the adaptation of the developed system to the computer patient record of the organization studied. Users showed acceptance of the health care plan system. Facility, new knowledge and job s organization are some characteristics highlighted by those involved. The learning effect which occurred among the participants as well as the researcher has revealed itself not only as an answer to the application of the method but also as a long process of awareness. The proposed solution, understood as effective and revitalizing for the smooth running and the betterment of the nursing care, proves the importance and appropriateness of information technologies in the hospital environment, as studied.


sistemas de informação : desenvolvimento de sistema : implantação : avaliação : internação hospitalar : hospital moinhos de vento

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