A sagraÃÃo do dinheiro no neopentecostalismo : religiÃo e interesse à luz do sistema da dÃdiva.




This thesis gives an account of money as a relational term in the relationship with the sacred in the neopentecostal religious experience. The empirical reference chosen for this a study is the Igreja Internacional da GraÃa de Deus (The International Church of the Grace of God). The understanding of money as a sociological problem does not intend to reduce to a simple marketing and utilitarian criticism just because âmoneyâ is a central piece in the expression of the faith among the members of this religious group. Money, as it is used in cultic space expresses a reivention of the social community. This sociological aspect is the key for the analysis that we will carry out. In doing so, it is necessary to understand money as a symbol. We will use the idea of "gift" to analyse this question. This idea leads us to say that a certain movement brought by the capitalist wave of the modern world, caused a displacement of the things that are given for those that stay, and that the thing called money seems to come in the social life, in the apex of its desire, when, for any reason, we find it as a part of or entry into of the domain of the sacred: money is not a curse, but, sanctified, when immolated to be offered and to multiply the work of God. Some would tend to say that, the entry into the money into the space of the sacred would be to profane God, to destroy him. Can this be so? The tithe is money. It is something that belongs to God. What is the sacred in this object so named today in religious space? There is a âsoulâ in this object, and this social is not small. Money is a strong reference point, which stands out of so many other realities and is taken for the exchange of gifts, which we identified, in the current religious experience of neopentecostalismo. In a society centered in a market driven economy, money is such a strong reference to what we called money, seems to have found a " new " basis, which we do not understand as an impoverished reality but an extremely important one for it is the religious experience, which we have been trying to explain. We did not notice it as something simply temporary, but durable. However, the questions that come out from the discussion about the spirit of the gift are: is the money sacred object? Who asks for it and who receives it? Who gives it and who waits for it? There is then a âspiritual thread " that unites that the relational process with money in the religious space which we took as a reference


sociologia international church of the grace, neopentecostalismo, money, marketing, religion, sacred, symbol, gift igreja internacional da graÃa de deus, neopentecostalismo, dinheiro, mercado, religiÃo, sagrado, sÃmbolo, dÃdiva

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