A relação entre conhecimento ecológico, preocupação ecológica, afeto ecológico, normas subjetivas e o comportamento de compras verdes no setor de cosméticos / The relationship between ecological knowledge, ecological concern, ecological affection and subjective standards of green shopping behavior in the cosmetics industry


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Research which seeks to investigate the relationship between environmental factors and the consumer behavior is still embryonic in Brazil, which is a unique opportunity for those studies that relate the purchasing behavior of consumers to environmental issues. In this perspective, the goal of this research was to ascertain whether there is correlation between the following constructs: ecological knowledge, ecological affection, ecological concern, subjective norms and green purchase behavior. In pursuit of achieving the proposed objectives, a methodology characterized by exploratory search was used, adopting the simple transverse method in data collection process. In the study, secondary data from articles, books, dissertations, theses and the internet were used, in addition to the primary data, collected with the application of questionnaires to the target population. Based on a stratified random sampling, the population was constituted by women over 18 years old, since they represent potential consumers of cosmetic products. Regarding the data processing of 500 validated questionnaires, the use of Cronbach\ s Coefficient Alpha and multivariate exploratory technique of factor analysis were contemplated. A multiple regression model was tested to explain the behavior of buying ecological cosmetics. The results produce evidence that Subjective Norms (SN), Ecological Affection (EA), Ecological Concern (EC) and Ecological Knowledge (EC) variables were considered statistically significant to explain the variations in Purchase Behavior of Ecological Cosmetics (PBEC), with an R2 of 0.555. Among the demographic variables tested, it was found that only the age and social class exercise moderate influence over the dependent variable. Such results indicate similarity among the results obtained in the measurement of multiple correlations among independent variables, the dependent variable and those observed in theory concerning the influence of the former over the purchasing behavior of environmentally correct products. The results of this thesis offer additional insight about the factors that affect the purchase decision process. Therefore, it is considered that this work is an advance in the state of the art of research about the relationship between environmental factors and the consumer behavior, since aspects not covered in previous studies were investigated.


ecological concern comportamento do consumidor consumer s behavior consumidor verde ecological affection ecological knowledge green consumer

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