A proposta Bresser de reforma do Estado e a questão da autoridade publica no Brasil




The study we present here looks forward to higllligllt tlle importance of the use of tlle idea of public autllority in the analysis of governance in Brazil. In order to do so we will employ 1995 proposal for the reform of the State apparatus or, as we rather refer to it, "Bresser s proposal for the reform of the State", since it was elaborated and coordinated by the former secretary for Federal Administration and Reform of tlle State, Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira. It is a very current thell1e. Judging by tlle amount of news, daily spread by Brazilian media, about the supposed "absence of public authority" in some regions of the country, ali and every acadell1ic investigation which may contribute to a better qualified debate seems hugely important in our view. Our intent, however, is quite specific. We try to point out that, in the analysis of the governance thell1e, the quality of public order and authority of tlle State in question IllUSt be taken into consideration. ln our case, we started from the hypothesis that the national State incoll1plete process of institutionalization in Brazil has produced poor public authority. Historical and political, internal and extelllal determinations have establislled a State pattern that remains in permanent difficulty to placate its conflicts and disagreelllents. The outcoll1e - the one we try to point out in an specific Illanner - is the gradual erosion and disintegration of coexistence basic rules and principies. We sustain ín our study that such phenomena does not discrill1inate social condition or sectors, going throughout Brazilian society froll1 one end to the other. The reform of the State apparatus application, elaborated in 1995, can be justified by the treatment. given to the (non)governal1ce ll1atter as being, at the end, the Brazilian State "ll1achine" financial and administrative inability to fulfill its determinations. Tlle 1995 proposal is guided, equally , by the governal1ce idea as higher or lower degree of ineptitude in the State good management and structure, which would make the govemments in question present reduced conditions (in case of high ineptitude degree) to legitimate itself, negotiate interests, and actually governo Governal1ce endogenous treatment expedient, to know: through the State apparatus, is relatively cOll1ll1on; most analysts insist on this way. Then our option of the recent project. We otherwise propose the inclusion of public authority idea to the governal1ce theme analysis in order to enrich the discussion about that one. Therefore, we understand that the study of the Brazilian State apparatus IllUSt not ignore the urge of thinking it from tlle perspective of its "democratic management". It means facing tlle political challenge of "endowing the State with institutions which interact with the totality of individuais and give it proper expression (in its social and territorial dimensions)". We believe it to be the expedient which may contribute to the governal1ce levei increase in Brazil. Analyses ofthe State pattern and public authority produced along time and history lead to this objective and suit it


sociedades reforma administrativa ciencia politica brasil - politica e governo estado nacional

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