A primeira escola de professores dos Campos Gerais - PR




This work is intended to investigate the historical process of constituting and instituting the first school for teachers in the region of Campos Gerais, in the State of Paraná - PR (south of Brazil), comprehending the historical period between the creation of the Province of Paraná in 1853 and the establishment of school for teachers of Ponta Grossa in 1924. The research investigates the multiple and complex relations within the settlement of Campos Gerais ? PR and, therefore, analyzes the political, economical and social determinants which fostered the conditions for the creation of the first school for teachers. Throughout the process of investigation it is intended as well to perceive the educationaltraining of teachers before the foundation of school for teachers in the region, and the conditions these teachers had to instruct the population spread all over the distant villages and settlements. Among the main contributing factors for the setting up of this institution was the demand for schools and teachers generated from the closing down of the farms communities? schools. Others included the republican ideals of expanding education and meeting society?s pressures, the transformations the cities had been through due to the accelerated process of urbanization and consequent lost of rural characteristics, as well as the process of expanding industrialization, whose acceleration is explained partly from the difficulties imposed by the restrictions from international commerce during World War I. The bibliography utilized in this work was collected at the following institutions: Public Archive of Paraná, Public Archive of the State of São Paulo, Public Library of Ponta Grossa, House of Memory of Ponta Grossa, Campos Gerais Museum?Ponta Grossa, Regente Feijó State High School, Sant?Ana High School, Institute of Education CésarPrieto Martinez, SEPAM High School, Regional Branch for Learning ? Ponta Grossa, Documentation Sector of the Board of Education of the State of Paraná and the libraries of UNICAMP (State University of Campinas) and UEPG (State University of Ponta Grossa). Also, the research allowed room for an improved understanding of the conditions of the teachers? training and performance in the historical context of the development of Campos Gerais ? PR, since the foundations of every man?s history is within the execution of his job - which is determinant for his self development


educação - brasil - historia escolas publicas - historia professores - formação

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