A previdência na área rural: benefício e custeio




This essay is an attempt to describe the main characteristics of rural social security, stating the differences in treatment given to urban and rural workers. In addition, it depicts the rural social security financing. First and foremost, in order to explain the law on rural social security, a thorough narrative illustrates the ineffective social protection given to rural workers throughout the history. The study states that equality is the way to achieve justice. It points out that an effective social inclusion program concerned with the achievement of social order requires a mutual action between benefits and social security financial plan. An extensive interpretation of rural workers social security rules attempts to solve controversial questions of rural workers rights by focusing on the equivalence principle among urban and rural population benefits. A distinguished financial plan for rural social security is also reckoned as a result of the unique nature of this sectors activities


direito aposentadoria -- brasil financing custeio social security previdência trabalhadores rurais -- leis e legislacao -- brasil previdencia social -- brasil rural workers trabalhador rural

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