A presença feminina na Escolinha do Parque: trajetória de vida de ex- alunas de Guignard




This research has investigated the trajectories of three women who attended, in the decades of 1940 and 1950, in Belo Horizonte, to the Draw and Painting Free Course, also known as Escolinha do Parque, offered by the Brazilian artist and teacher Alberto da Veiga Guignard (1896-1962). By making use of the oral history methodology, more specifically the verbal life report, we have tried to go from the narratives constructed in the interview moments to the analysis of some passages of their socialization in family, scholar and other spaces, as well as the analysis of their initial artistic formations and actuations, accompanying their paths until the middle 1960s. With trajectories close to each other in some points and distant in others, the way to tell them, however, indicated a common narrative elaboration: the search for elements that would help to explain why they became visual artists and art teachers, places they have chosen to produce themselves, assigning a sense to their individual histories. The way by which these women tell their histories, considering the recognition they have (or do not) in the artistic medium of Belo Horizonte and Brazil nowadays, has indicated, yet, the uses they make of the path, allowing us to speak about a reaffirmation as much as a reconstruction of these trajectories.


arte estudo e ensino   artistas formação profissional   educação  teses

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