A presença/ausência da cobertura à população rural pelo SUAS Sistema Único de Assistência Social: os casos das cidades de Londrina/PR e do Vale do Paraíba/SP




This study makes the analysis of the policy of social welfare in rural areas of the cities of Jacareí and Santa White located in the Vale do Paraíba - SP and the city of Londrina - PR, with the goal of identifying the scope of action of SUAS - Single System of Social Assistance in rural areas, paths cover by the municipal administrations in relation to: distinction that the national manager of the local Social Welfare Policy the population held between rural and urban as well as the distinction of the municipality council in the criterion for inclusion / exclusion of that population in the scope of coverage of SUAS. This study was analysed from two perspectives into its constitution theoretical. The first, refers to the re-design of the National Policy on Social Assitance approved in November 2004 - PNAS/04 establishing guidelines for social protection. The second axis, is in proceedings the management of the policy of social welfare in rural areas of the municipalities examined. Highlights in this study, theoretical approaches controversy surrounding the issue population of the area, the population profile and living conditions of the same in the districts analyzed. As a result, I note the lack of attention socioassistencial coverage of the rural population in the Vale do Paraíba indicating distances in the understanding of the policy of social assistance by the local getores, however in the city of Londrina could prove the presence of the scope of coverage with the SUAS quatitative and qualitative results of inclusion, demonstrating the concrete possibility in the conduct of the policy of social assistance by the manager that presents understanding of the legal milestones that policy, processualizando a new paradigm of democratic and participatory experience in the rural area


populacao rural servico social assistencia social -- paraiba, rio, vale do, sp suas social welfare sistema unico de assistencia social (brasil) assistencia social -- londrina, pr

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