A pratica educativa e a concepçã de desenvolvimento psicologico de alunos com deficiencia mental




This investigation proposed to observe the distance between culturally mature forms of human activity and special education for mentally retarded persons. Data for the study was constructed empirically considering actions performed by students in a special school and the motives which led technical personnel, teachers and mothers of the mentally retarded pupils to solicite the actions. The empirical data was analysed in a psychological socio-cultural perspective oriented by Leontiev s activity theory. The analysis revealed fragmentary and artificial educational practices which emphasize the training of elementary psychological functions while restricting the appropriation of culturally mature forms of human activity and reduzing the conception of development to a somatory of learned skills. Paradoxically, the fact that actions tend to be understood in their propaedeutic character reveals an inatist view of development. In theoretical and methodological terms, the analyses and discussions also led to questioning activity as a unit of analysis


deficientes mentais - educação

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