A politica energetica e os fundos publicos oriundos da atual lei do petroleo / The energy politics and public fund proceeded from the current oil law




This work has for objective to analyze the mineral incomes, under the optics of Government securities. Initially, the work presents a theoretical landmark concerning the theoretical quarrels on the importance of the State in the extract activity (with prominence for the petroliferous activity) and the evolution of the thought on Government securities. In chapter three, the work measures the importance of the ?Bacia de Campos? in the Brazilian and in the state of Rio de Janeiro economy, explaining, one by one the cities that are part of the main zone of oil production. Simultaneously, the work delimits the group known as Cities of the Oil. In Chapter four, the work presents the Oil Law, and simultaneously, explains its relation with Government securities. In chapter five, the work analyzes the incomes carried through for the Cities of the Oil and its origins. In this chapter, the work relates the dependence degree of the Cities of the Oil in relation to the Royalties and Special Participations. Chapter six analyzes the expenditures, by function, trying to present trends of expenses behavior of the Cities of the Oil. Finally, in the final considerations, the work weaves the critics, relating the chapters and the theoretical quarrel of Government securities


special paarticipations petroleo - arrendamento petroleum petroleo royalties gas leaser

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