A policy-based architecture for fault management in optical networks / Uma arquitetura baseada em politicas para gerencia de falhas em redes opticas




In these last few years, optical networking technology has been considered as a solution for bottlenecks found in today s networks. Each optical fiber is capable to have from ten to hundreds of optical channels that operate at rates from 51 Mb/s to ten of terabits per second. These channels are important elements in the composition of lightpaths, the default mechanism for traffic trasmition in optical networks. In the optical networks context, the occurence of a single failure can cause a huge of data loss. This work proposes that this problem is worth to be treated also during the traffic admission processo A solution for it is to use policies that consider fault aspects to manage the traffic grooming within lightpaths. The proposed solution is applied in the context of IP networks over optical WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) networks and is composed of a policy based architecture and groups of grooming policies that consider fault aspects for traffic flow admission in the network. The architecture is formed by four modules and a policy repository. These modules are the admission control (AC), fault management (FM), resource management (RM) and the policy management (PM); and are used to treat the sending of a volume of requisitions and a failure event (fiber cut) to the optical network management system. The PM takes account with three groups of grooming policies (Gl, G2 and G3) of different complexities stored in the policy repository. The group G 1 considers only fault aspects (required scheme of protection) to admit a traffic flow. The group G2, an extension of G 1, also considers the class of service to admit the flow in the network. The group G3, an extension of G2, allows that traffic flows can be installed in lightpaths that offer a higher quality of service (a scheme of protection more robust) than that required by the requisition. A simulator was developed in Java to validate the proposed solution and twelve experiments was simulated. The results of these experiments showed relevants to treat the fault problem in optical networks. The defined policies allowed to priorize the admission of specific traffic flow_ in the network and to reduce blocked traffic volume afier the failure occurrence in many network loadings. However, if the administrator has a previous knowledge about the type of network traffic (e.g.: traffic matrix), the policies can be used to better plan the usage of network resources


optical communications comunicações oticas redes de computação - gerencia fault-tolerant computing engenharia de trafego tolerancia a falha (computação) traffic engineering network management

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