A nova maioria: determinantes do apoio político ao neopopulismo na América latina / The new majority: determinants of political support to neopopulism in Latin America




The thesis analyses the determinants of political support for presidents in six Latin- American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela) from 1994 to 2004. By the end of the last decade, electoral winners show some common traits like the strong personalistic and charismatic appeals. Some of these new Latin-American leaders were described as neopopulistsaccording to political science literature (Roberts, 1996, 2003, 2006; Weyland, 1999a, 1999b, 2001; Knight, 1998; Conniff, 1999). Neopopulistsleaders typically seek a direct support from the public to bypass mechanisms of Democratic control. The thesis study the supply of neopopulists policies or the political strategies adopted by some Latin-American leaders - and the publics demand for these policies, leading to the legitimization of neopopulism as the most important political force in contemporary Latin America.


neopopulism populismo neopulismo latin america political support américa latina apoio político political compared política comparada populism

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