A música e a construção do conhecimento histórico em aula / The music and build historical knowledge in the class room




The main objective of this research was to demonstrate the importance of music to building historical knowledge in students and teachers. The historical awareness mediated by musical language reveals a strong affective load, because it is part of a personal memory and a reference to the apprehension and assimilation of new listening, similar or not to the ones mentioned before, revealing what we can call musical awareness of the involved subjects. The importance of music in class is mainly related to the nature of the musical language itself, as this can only be noticed in and through time, feeding itself from an affective memory that transforms itself in a musical awareness in the present, facilitating the narratives, reflexions, practices or historical interpretations of the students and the teacher.


conhecimento histórico consciência histórica historical awareness historical knowledge linguagem musical memória e consciência musical memory and musical awareness musical language

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