"A multimídia interativa como recurso didático-pedagógico para o ensino teórico-prático da semiologia em enfermagem" / The Interactive Multimedia as resource pedagogicdidactic for theorical-practice in nursing semiology.




Descriptive /exploratory research. Analyzes the interactive multimedia as a resource for teaching semiology to nursing graduation. The methodology adopted was fulfilled in two moments. Initially the profile of the interviewed ones was investigated through the variables: semester in course, acquaintance of semiology knowledge related to semiology teaching, discipline in which such knowledge has been acquired, acquaintance of theorical - practical content of semiology via CD Rom, possession of PC and, whether they had the skills to work with the CD Rom as didactic device. To this first step the information obtained was processed into data for future analyses of frequency. The second step was based on the analyses of content with which the construction of three nucleai of ideas was possible in accordance with BARDIN. The first nucleus was entitled “Senses impregnation by interactive CD Rom”, a strong evidence to affirm that the multimedia is a not only as easy to handle resource but also a way to make semiology theory and practice easier once it enhances the comprehension of theorical classes helping the development of the physical examination of clients, besides making uf, on its on ways, for the lack of pedagogical labs. The second nucleus named “Virtual reality: the digital/pneumatic me on the net” pointed out that the virtual simulation is not similar to the reality of the client, that relationship among everyone involved in the teaching/learning dynamics, likewise transforming teaching into something extremely individual due to over appreciation of the language used in focus. The ,last nucleus was named as “The virtual language as a pedagogical resource: the balance that can not lost”. We observe, due to its intermediation, that multimedia is an objective, versatile, easy and simple resource helping in the review of contents with possibility of household use by students, nevertheless showing limitations that go from splitting the actors of the teaching/learning process through the need of better comprehension of the use of such language as a didactic mode till the evidence that it is a complementary resource to other means of teaching. The conclusion of the research points out to three essential reflections. 1. The development of new technologies of information/communication determines an imperative to Nurse for the need of insertion on this technology handling not only to its implementation as a technological device, bus also on its development inside the Nursing field aiming to allow the grasp of its specific knowledge; 2. Comprehension of virtual language needs to be widely dimensioned by the Nurse once it is already an element of work and social relations, of science and of human culture; 3. Specific pedagogy of Nursing must be aware that the use of virtual language is no panacea to the nature of graduation and work of Nurses but, above all, that it is presented as an extremely dynamic and innovatory modality of teaching how to assist through Nursing.


multimídia teaching enfermagem multimedia nursing ensino

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