A MULHER PROFESSORA E A SEXUALIDADE: representações e práticas no espaço escolar / THE TEACHER AND THE FEMALE SEXUALITY: representations and practices in school




Study on sexuality and its influence on the educative practice of the teaching woman in the school space. It aims at analyzing the teachers representations about sexuality and sexual education, emphasizing how the social control mechanisms and the truth discourses influence the work developed by the women in the teaching practice. In the theoretical plan, Foucault (1985; 1989; 1993; 1999; 2000; 2006) is used, with his analyses about power relations, knowledge and the truth devices, emphasizing the human sexuality in general and the womens sexuality in particular. Moscovici (2007) is also used in this paper, with the two processes which generate the social representations (anchorage and objectification), presented as an analytical support for sexuality and sexual education in school. In the history of sexuality, the paper rescues the social control mechanisms and the truth devices about sexuality, emphasizing the womans sexuality. In the history of education, it also rescues some ways of exclusion and insertion of the woman in the formal teaching, emphasizing her entrance in the school as a student and as a teacher. Evidencing as well as her articulation with teaching, the school as a control mechanism of sexuality, especially the feminine. Interviews were conducted with subjects of two schools in São Luís MA, one of the public web and other, confessional, of the private teaching web: an education specialist, a pedagogical coordinator and eleven teachers. The schools, the subjects and their representations about sexual repression, sexual education and sexuality, as well as the influences of this last in the educative practice, resultant of the treatment given to the issues related to se and sexuality in classroom in particular, and in the school space in general. Thus, the paper relates sexuality to the educative practice of teaching, demonstrating the emphasis given to the biological materiality in the issues related to sexuality and the ignorance of a scientific knowledge about that theme and about sexual education. Sexuality is recognized as a social and cultural construction, seeking for the reflection and contribution with subsidies for the fomentation of other studies about the theme.


sexuality prática educativa teaching woman sexualidade antropologia educacional educação sexual educative practice mulher professora sexual education

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