A mulher fatal e O que fazem mulheres: a representação da figura feminina na narrativa camiliana




The romantic novel, characterized by plots full of love affairs ended up in great passions which culminated in happy endings or the maintenance of lovers faithfulness through death, was in the 19th century one of the main forms of fun disseminated by feuilletons. Its of that romantic fiction that this research is constituted based on the study of the novels O que fazem mulheres and A mulher fatal by Camilo Castelo Branco. Through female characters in love, involved by men who had dominated them, the romantic author determined punishments, sadness, betrayals and abandonment resulting from the female figures dependency, obedience or lack of autonomy. Thus, the main aim of this work is show the different formations of the female characters and their fates, controlled by the behaviorist rule which was attributed to them, assessing the results of passivity or the reaction before destiny which was determined by male hands.


literatura portuguesa romantismo female characters camilo castelo branco portuguese literature camilo castelo branco letras personagens femininas romantism

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