A medida da maldade: periculosidade e controle social no Brasil / The measure of evil: dangerousness and social control in Brazil




This work is devoted to the study of dangerousness and the ways of social control that are by this concept put in motion nowadays. This approach unveils the context in which the concept of dangerousness emerges within the psychiatric realm and its cooptation by the juridical system. This process was eased by the nature of modern penality, which development starts with the building of knowledge on the individual subject to state intervention. It aims to demonstrate in which ways dangerousness is reinvented and instrumentalized in order to justify certain types of social control directed to those who commit crimes and are not necessarily sent to punitive apparatus. This operation makes even more insidious the action perpetrated by the state. Through the analysis of a recent case it is possible to perceive how the dispositive of dangerousness is manipulated and used to constitute the exception and to legitimate expressive measures which endanger the state of law.


crime dangerousness punição saúde mental periculosidade controle social social control crime punishment mental health

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