This study shows the analysis nietzschiana in the perspective of evaluation of several conceptions of morality that becomes effective throughout the history determining the value of morality. To the philosopher, the values do not exist, they are the result of a creation of man, so, they are not facts, they are interpretations introduzed by the man in the world. We can say that all the writings of the philosopher are developed throughout and from a universe of forces and relations of forces, that is, desire for power and this, is characterized by a continuous overcoming them, for a constant to become more. So, talk about the bad conscience is talking about relation of power and desire for power or, about what forces that command and what forces that follow. According to the philosopher, is because of this that the origin of bad conscience is rooted in man in the most radical changes that lived: the creation of society and peace, since that was the result of a sudden and profound change that happened when the man was from the state of freedom to the coercion, containing your instincts and skillful them. So for Nietzsche,it is not about the values , because no value is definitive, nor it is required for itself. The important thing is to ask about the "value" of values, or about the relations of forces that acted and continue to act in the creation and destruction of values. So, we raised the issue of bad conscience because, once produced a new valuation, we have a question , and this is that interests us, what forces that determined them and what forces that appropriated them.


filosofia relações de forças moral vontade de poder

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